Çocuk ve Genç Kitap Önerileri

Keeping a Head in School

This nonfiction book, aimed primarily at 9 to 15 year olds, helps students struggling with learning differences gain insights into their own problems. The book helps students understand their strengths and weaknesses and appreciate their individuality. Dr. Levine empowers students by suggesting specific ways to approach schoolwork, to bypass or overcome learning disorders, and to manage the challenges that students face in their academic lives.

Most chapters begin with a case study based on student with one or more learning disorders. Each student’s story is followed by questions. Throughout the book, diagrams, lists, and drawings illustrate important concepts.

Keeping A Head in School can be used as an effective shared reading experience for parents and children. Tutors, counselors, and psychotherapists may find it helpful to discuss particular chapters with students. This book is also an excellent reference for students without learning differences as a way to better understand the challenges facing their peers who do struggle in school. It is also a handy reference for secondary-school courses on health, development, learning, or psychology.

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