Creating Competency Model
Competences are the behaviours, that makes difference for the high perofmance, including knowledge, skill, attitude. Competency systems can be used in different ares like Human Resources Management recruitment, performance management, training.
High performers behaviours analysis can be done with different methods in creating competency definition process.
In-depth interviews with high performers, focus group workshops with management / employees are some of these methods. With these methodologies the knowledge, attitude and skills needed for high performance for a position can be defined in behaviour terms with these mothods.
“Star Assessment and Increasing Sales Effectiveness ” Project
Aim of The Project
- Creating Competency model and personality profile which can predict sales performance,
- Identifying critical behaviours composes these competencies,
- With the datas, achieving measurable outcomes using in recruitment, career management, development management.
Project Outcomes and Used Areas
“Star” Sales person Competency Model: Competencies, Competency descriptions behaviour indicators
- “Star” Sales person persanality profile (Ideal Position Profile)
- “Star” Sales book: star’ s typical Techniques, strategies for critical situations, company spesific golden sales book which is put together, Stars expressed their behaviours with their words, their typical behaviout styles
- “Star Search” Competency based interview manual: Question pool and competency based interview manuel for use both in detecting internally potential stars, to use in recruitment, Star competencies.
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