Based in the UK, The Forton Group is a leadership development firm that provides coaching training, research and development services, and consultancy services worldwide. The international coaching and leadership training programs of The Forton Group, based on the International Professional Coaching Association (ICF) accredited program, are recognized and implemented all over the world.
Officially recognized by the ICF (International Coach Federation/International Coaching Federation) and having ACC (AssociateCertifiedCoach/Accredited Member Coach) status, this training consists of 3 modules: "Transformation", "Development" and "Mastery".
With Module 1 - "Transformation" Training, experienced managers, individuals new to management or coaching, and internal coaches are expected to discover the meaning of the concept of leadership and its connections with coaching, to understand different leadership styles through exercises, and to develop their visions. Through the training, it is aimed that people learn to use their coaching information while receiving and giving feedback and making teamwork more effective with collaborative relationships. It is a program open to everyone.
Module 2 – "Development" Training is designed for experienced managers and internal coaches having partial coaching experience. It aims to reveal values through coaching and support people to live with their core values, bring their coaching competencies to ICF standards, increase their emotional awareness, and improve their listening skills. In addition, it is aimed that these people plan their personal and professional development and use emotional intelligence while receiving and giving feedback on using their coaching skills. It is required to have completed Module 1 or a similar coaching training program.
Module 3 – "Mastery" Training, managers with coaching experience and individuals with moderate coaching training are expected to understand the benefits of the ideal self, develop their listening skills, and understand how to use language for effective coaching. Also, the aim is to develop their leadership and coaching skills by addressing life experiences; and understanding the ICF standards and exam requirements. It is required to have completed Module 1 / Module 2 or corresponding coaching training program.
The Forton Group (United Kingdom) Certificate
ICF (International Coaching Federation Continuing Coaching Training Credit-91 hours)
If there is a program on this list that you want to get more detailed information about, you can contact us by filling out the training request form.
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