Psychological Trauma and EMDR

What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?

What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?


Especially in case of natural disasters, approximately 10-15 % of victims recover in a very short time; they can cope with the effects of the event and even take a “leader” role. And nearly 70 % of them are affected by the event and show “stress reactions”.  Short term or long term “stress reactions” directly related to given support. The rest of is affected by traumatic events in the long term. These approximate numbers may change in man-made traumatic events.

Every one person in three, in a certain phase of their lives, is exposed to a traumatic event. 10-15% of those might develop PTSD. Although most of people have PTSD, they do not ask for professional help. Especially psychosocial support with this group is very important.

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