Learning Disorders
- Reading Disorder
- Writing Disorder
- Arithmetic Disorder
- Nonverbal Learning Disorder
Symptoms: It may be possible to determine that a child has a learning disorders with following. Child may;
- Has weakness in auditory and visual perception, recognition, remember and sorting skills
- Be preoccupied, awkward
- Has some difficulties in making friends and continuing friendship
- Be hyperacidity
- Has difficulties in pay and maintain attention
- Has limited vocabulary
- May have difficulty in learning to read
- Are not fluent in reading
- Slog on understanding of reading and expression
- Handwriting is illegible
- Sentences are short, distruted and simple in written expression
- Have difficulty in convert mathematical expression to operation
- Cannot decide order of operations in a problem.
The situations that required professional support: If the child have the characteristics at the below and this situation affects child’s educational life seriously, appealing to a specialist is beneficial.
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