Family Therapy
People come together with a family therapist when family members have an effect on issues or family support is required for healing an issue. The difficulty in dual relationship of family members, problems related to sharing responsibility or effects of one family members’ problem (panic disorder, animal fobia, anger management etc.) on other members can be counted as a family therapist required problems.
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As DBE Child and Youth Counseling Center, we use two kinds of play therapy. These are: Non-Directive Play Therapy: Playing is an heartfelt interest and ...
People come together with a family therapist when family members have an effect on issues or family support is required for healing an issue. The ...
DBE Institution for Behavioral Studies Trauma Center is founded on the purpose of giving counseling to people who have experienced trauma, and decreasing ...
For a person, when an event come up on small or large scale that has a traumatic qualification and embrace to event sufficiently, images, sounds, feelings, and ...