EMDR Therapy
For a person, when an event come up on small or large scale that has a traumatic qualification and embrace to event sufficiently, images, sounds, feelings, and thoughts at the moment of happening may lock in the nervous system. This locking usually realize on right hemisphere of brain. It is assumed that people often find logical explanation in order to relieve themselves. For example, “It is not my fault”. This kind of explanations happen on the left hemisphere of brain. However, these explanations are not enough for getting of disturbance of people. The dreams and images that seem like beonging tor ela event may add to whole these experiences.
During EMDR sessions, identifying an image related to trauma, keeping in mind this image, generating one positive and one negative thought about image, and paying attention to feelings and body sensations about the trauma are expected from person. When person fulfill these instructions, some implementations apply on the purpose of working right and left sides of brain simultaneously such as move person’s eyes while following therapist’s fingers. There are other ways for stimulating of right and left hemispheres like touching person’s hands alternately. While these implementations, consciousness of person is indicated and manage all process with own brain. There is no wrong or right on this process, it is assumed that whole events on person’s mind are right.
At the end of EMDR sessions, it is seen that person remember the traumatic event but get rid of negative feelings that occurs when remembering traumatic event. EMDR sessions usually last between 1-3 sessions, the rate of success is respectablely high as verified with researches.
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