Interest and Attitude Tests
Interest and attitude tests aim at measuring an individual’s emotional, intellectual and behavioral tendencies and interests. These tests are measuring and assessing tools comprised of a large range of tests that not only measure an individual’s vocational interests and tendencies, but also assess the individual’s attitude in various situations.
IBS Relationship Evaluation Inventory Battery
The REI (Relationship Evaluation Inventory) is made up of two different measuring tools that measure couple’s relationship compatibility and personality traits. The Inventory Battery has been developed to be well-suited to Turkish culture; its veracity, reliability and norm studies have been completed.
REI, which is used for both married couples and couples at the preparation stage, is an assessment tool, which is developed to determine the strong and risky aspects of the present relationship. REI has the qualifications to prepare the grounds for preventive practices and help establish the areas of therapeutic intervention. Therefore, in REI every relationship is evaluated on its strong and risky areas without failing into the ideal marriage portrayal. From this viewpoint, REI is an evaluation tool that aims at developing the relationship.
The inventory, which has pencil and paper or on line options, has 2 different reports; the therapist report and the REI client report.
IBS Eating Attitude and Habits Battery
IBS Eating Attitude and Habits Battery is comprised of a structured pre-interview form where the questions asked by a clinician are given, Eating Attitude Inventory and a list of dysfunctional Eating Habits.
The pre-interview form consists of mostly open ended questions which give information on both the individual’s life story and the relation s/he has with eating and is given by a clinician. While the IBS Eating Attitude Inventory is a quintette Likert is a self assertion scale. The inventory contains questions in general about body perception, social appreciation, the attitude concerning eating and weight. Finally, with the list of "Dysfunctional Eating Habits" the individual’s eating habits are determined.
With the exception of pre-interview form, which is filled out by the clinician, IBS Eating Attitude and Dysfunctional Eating Habits list can be administered either on paper or online.
16PF Personality Inventory – Vocational Orientation and Career Planning Section
16PF Personality Inventory, about which detailed information was given above in the personality tests section, contains information, in the vocational tendencies section, on which areas the individuals are apt and where their interests lie and 16PF is widely used in vocational orientation and career planning.
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