Psychotherapy Psychological Counseling Services

Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy

In individual therapy, the client has the benefit of getting one on one counseling where the client has complete attention of the therapist. This is one of the basic procedures favored when the problem at hand is the kind that client and the therapist can solve together. Individual therapy is adopted when the client presents his/her problem or problems in an individual framework and when the problems communicated are suitable for individual therapy. These kinds of therapies may be used concurrently with group or family therapies. Typical examples of issues in the framework of individual problems can be noted as difficulty in self expression, sleep disorders, insomnia, performance anxiety, general anxieties and fears, self confidence problems, difficulty in human relations, rage outbursts, recurring failures. The duration of this process is determined according to the needs of the client.

The Institute of Behavioral Sciences provides various types of therapy methods, in the aid and for the benefit of individual therapy.

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