Our Psychotherapy Approach

Gestalt Couples Therapy

Gestalt Couples Therapy

Gestalt is based on what is experienced at the moment. Unlike other therapies, instead of searching for the unknown, it focuses on the existing. Furthermore, Gestalt assumes that we are inevitably in relation with everything around us. It presumes that the only way we can understand ourselves is to examine our relations with the things around us.

Gestalt couples therapy starts off this principal to focus on couples problems. It is an approach that deals with the dissatisfaction of the couples in the context in which it has grown. Individuals receive certain blows in their development processes. Inner wounds determine most of our attitudes in our relationships, desires, needs and expectations. In Gestalt couples therapy, couples focus on each other’s and their own emotions, behaviors and thoughts that have disrupted them. It aims to enlarge the couple’s relationship repertory. Thus, the couple learns to direct their companionship protecting their entirety and living in satisfaction.

Experiences, daily life, and awareness are the basic elements of this therapy. It is considered essential that the functions of the mind and the body serve the whole. The theory of this therapy is based on the assertion that the structure of life is shaped according to the individual’s awareness. Therefore, a therapy model has come to light, which indirectly regards life in a different angle, and deals with problems differently. Gestalt therapy does not confine itself with alleviating the problems that have caused the discontent, but at the same time, teaches us the most effective ways to solve the problems and this lights the path to solve future problems.

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