Psychotherapy Psychological Counseling Services

Applied Philosophy

Applied Philosophy

A wise way of living - Philosophical Counseling

• Philosophical Counseling helps you to analyze, understand and regulate your life in accordance with your ideals and beliefs. Now philosophers have started help solve human problems. Would you like to craft a wise life, in Socrates’s definition “an examined life”, and sustain it? Philosophical Counseling; Philosophical Counselor is a branch of learning the roots of which go back to the early ages, and at present, it is a new, rapidly growing discipline aiming to examine and understand life, thereby used to solve problems. Philosophical Counseling involves getting help from an experienced philosopher who will guide you to lucid e thinking, especially when values are in conflict, when finding the cause of a problem is repeated at an impasse, or life has become unexpectedly meaningless. "Socratic communicationis a conscientious and effective support that enables you to think profoundly and to develop your thoughts explicitly. This communication does not aim to persuade you in any way; on the contrary, it aims to enable you to reach more lucid more profound and more varied thoughts about your beliefs and with these thoughts in mind, to enable you to solve your problems and to give direction to your life. Philosophical Counseling is given with the help of an outstanding professional philosopher who values confidentiality and is both effective and transformative. When necessary, in order to facilitate the connections, email, telephone, or some other form of communication that suits you may be used. What is not Philosophical Counseling? It is not a type of psychotherapy; it does not limit the enigmas of existence to psychological problems. Never does it assume that the client is neurotic or sick, what it practices is not treatment, but finding a solution to the problem. Not all the problems people face stem from psychological sources, but may originate from the ambiguities of life. The dynamic interaction that Philosophical Counseling puts forth lets you ponder on essential and deep rooted matters. It does not concern itself with issues such as tendencies to depression or delusions, which call for a professional psychiatrist, and it does not deal with past traumas or childhood wounds, it explores the client’s present problems, assumptions and values.

Philosophical Counseling aims at rendering your life, your problems and values more clear and lucid for you to understand by way of philosophical insights and techniques. It will help you build a wise life which Socrates defined as an “examined life”, and sustain it. In these applications we aim to show you how philosophers think and what their approach is when they solve problems and give examples and practices… Thereby you will learn how to approach your life problems and those of others’ and help them as well.

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